Twin Flame Physics


by Angelina Heart

Twin Flame relationship is the ultimate balancing of the two primal forces of creation: the divine feminine energy and the divine masculine energy. These are not genders, but rather, forces or charges. This dynamic bond is present in every act of creation, from the origination of star systems right down to the most minute subatomic levels. What follows is a rather in-depth expose about this relationship as the ultimate physics lesson.

There is a relatively new billion dollar business of finding one's soul-mate through "scientific" psycho/spiritual analysis and matching of co-equivalents. In fact, in 2005 alone, over 5 million people took advantage of this type of service in the US. It is hawked on television commercials, in our magazines and on our internet… "Just complete our questionnaire and we will find your one true mate in 72 hours --- guaranteed, or your money back!" Were that it were so easy.

Our history, religions, legends, myths, and fairytales are laced with archetypal tales of the two who are one. They are ever represented by the complementary energies of the divine feminine and the divine masculine principles that when united create a force of love so powerful that they become the ultimate tale of ecstasy and joy (the much longed for "happily ever after") It has been said that this duo unveils in flesh the Alpha and the Omega.

When we live in a world of duality, overcome with ego, selfishness, limitation, terrible lack of vision, pain, disillusionment and the loss of marriage as a true spiritual contract, loss of spirit as the center of human life, it's hard for most to imagine any kind of "True Love."

But Earth is only a little theater of struggle and limitation that we created ourselves, lived out in form by characters we have created from ourselves. In fact, the fairy tale is truer than the illusions we have created. AND the reason your heart is ever longing for and searching for your true mate, is because you actually have one and this knowledge is encoded in your very DNA.

All human beings long to be truly seen, known, embraced and loved; to be cherished for the truth beneath our stories, knowing deep inside that our stories are only ways in which we grow. Every single incarnate soul longs to join with his complementary energy – the other half of his heart. This longing is actually encoded within our DNA to ensure our conscious reunion.

You may think you are in love with someone, but you are not. You are in love with what others mirror back to you about yourself. As we return to a higher consciousness, all will understand that the union we seek is, absolutely and only, the merging of the balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine aspects of SELF.

Relationships in duality consciousness in this third dimension have merely provided an educational platform. A relationship with any person, condition, place or thing only mirrors facets of yourself back to you. So, looking for love outside of yourself or seeking another to validate you or add meaning to your life is a waste of precious time. Romance is about romancing the ONE and the One is God. And as Twin Flames reunite, they become One.

It is a dichotomy, a grand paradox of life, but this is how it works in our reality.----as soon as you become the fullness of the Twin Flame energy, giving forth God's limitless love continually from the conduit of your heart, your Twin Flame will appear before you as a SYMBOL in the form of another.

Sounds like applying for a loan. You can only get one if you don't need one, eh?

Regardless of how diligently you search for this essence, this identical essence within the opposite body of soul energy, you will never find it, for the search will lead you only right back to your own soul. There is not a single method, exercise, or initiation that can bypass the mirror that reflects you back to you!

Your Twin Flame is not LIKE you, It IS you, and all intimate relationship with another entity is a relationship between yourself and God.

The journey here is about two things:
1) Self discovery in RELATIONSHIP to others, and
2) Learning how to manage and balance the divine feminine and masculine creative energy in a way that reveres ALL life and inures to the benefit of the Whole.


Mother-Father God/ Source/ All That Is (the ultimate unity consciousness,) can be expressed as the originating force of creation. That primal force of creation is present on every level of life and is sexual in nature as it involves the combining of two primal energies. Every planet, star, and every life in every galaxy is born of sexual union. The truth of our beings encompasses the entire spectrum of creation.

A. One of the primal energies is the divine feminine principle, the ocean of the substance of creation we refer to as Love, and the other, the divine masculine principle, the bolt of lightning, the WILL, the THOUGHT which penetrates the substance of creation, creating the pattern or energy mold

B. The interaction causes heat, (FEELING) which then causes motion as it excites the electrons with increased vibration. These excited electrons then begin to spin, following the pattern of the spiral, creating a vortex.

C. The faster they spin (with e-MOTION, OR ENERGY IN MOTION) the larger the vortex becomes.

D. As the electrons are pulled into the vortex they collide, creating massive amounts of holographic energy. The key is this: Whatever is held as the thought mold in the center of the vortex is given LIFE as this e-motion is multiplied. In science we call this process "Fusion"

God is always More. God is always a YES to creation.

The only resulting energy of the atomic union of the male/female energy is love. That's all there is. Whether it be frozen or fluid --- it is still only Love, qualified through conscious direction of the creator(s), out picturing in symbols of this dimension. It is only light vibrating at different rates of speed and it gets frozen (more solid) when the symbol moves away from its true nature. There is no true duality --- only love and a world of ego dreaming it could be separate from Source –playing out limitless possibilities of that dream.

God, in its endless Love, the great size, strength and depth we can only imagine, realized that it was the greatest beauty and most magnificent Love with no object upon which to lavish itself. Then arose the idea of the other; the exploration of how to give Love, how to express who and what God is.

As GOD moved upon itself with Will (Thought) and sparked the ethers of its substance of love contained within, giving it direction, it made its FIRST SPLIT OR FIRST DIVISION; its first fusion reaction, creating more of itself – more love in holographic form within countless "cells." This was the first experience of Separation and density known as light.

This FIRST SPLIT is referred to in the scientific literature as the Big Bang. The Judeo/Christian religions have termed it Genesis. In spiritual terms it is commonly referred to as the Ongoing Moment of Creation. In this holographic expansion of the Source, each "cell" created from this union now reflected perfectly these two divine principles; the two who are one, re- creating the first moment of creation. A pure hologram of God, yet with unique individuality and just enough of a degree of separation to reflect God's perfection back to one another in complementary energy. This is represented within our religious literature SYMBOLICALLY as the DIVISION OF ONENESS FROM ANDROGYNY TO MALE/FEMALE.

These "identical" frequencies exist in opposite bodies of energies. These are definite charges, definite energies, with the female being negative and the male being positive, and are everywhere present in nature, the cosmos and every creation. These two energies, who are in fact one being (for one cannot exist without the other), have also been referred to historically by many names: Twin Rays, Twin Souls, Soul Mates, Split-aparts, Divine Counterparts, Celestial Marriage Partners, etc. --- but rather than argue semantics, I'll refer to them as Twin Flames. You have only ONE Twin Flame; a unique, identical vibrational signature that is common only to individual Twin Flames from the First Split,

Within the joint womb created by the Union of these principles, any desire held as a thought mold will draw the atomic energy from their fusion and will coalesce into the symbol of that form.

You have only one Twin Flame, though it has many manifestations within the multidimensional divisions of itself. TWIN FLAMES ARE NOT GENDERS, but rather, complementary energy forms.

These are the very heart cells of God, as they became the vehicle through which God expanded self, experiencing new and wonderful creation by ex-pressing divine love into new molds. As these cells passionately created More Love through the same atomic process of Love-Making, they created worlds without end and billions of forms, which became worlds and dimensions of the radiant emergence of Love in relationship to that which is the Source. Since they are holographic, God is the giver, God is the gift and God is the receiver in this great Circle of Life. All of their creations existed within them, as even they, existed within God. This is referred to archetypically through Judeo/Christian faiths as Adam and Eve creating in the Garden of Eden.

Let's call this History of the World, Part I.

But there came a knowing in the consciousness of God that in this state of holographic perfection, the "children" of God were not becoming individualized or sovereign powers with co-creative abilities due to the proximity of their relationship to the source. The only way to achieve this sovereignty would be to distance these "children" from the Source in a safe place where they would not be tempted to magnetically rush back into the Source's perfection. (Just as we send our children from our orbits to gain their sovereignty.) So the children of the First Split (Twin Flames) began to extend PARTS of themselves into lower, slower, more dense levels of consciousness whose vibratory frequency literally create a veil of forgetfulness while each came to understand how to assume his creatorship and sovereignty individually.

There was too much energy to be contained within one physical embodiment, so the atomic holographic replication of the Twin Flame energy was "split and split and split," so to speak, with some fragments retained in physicality and some in non-physicality, as all the parts of God went forth to garner intelligence and wisdom.

This has been referred to SYMBOLICALLY as the leaving of the Garden of Eden, wherein we chose to clothe ourselves in density and participate in an education of duality. Tasting of the tree of Good and Evil.

We refer to this safe space as the third dimensional schoolroom of planet Earth --- a frequency held in a Time/Space continuum. But – the hologram of the Source still exists within our individualized DNA patterns, and within this – the memory of not only our at-one-ment with Source, but also with our divine complementary pattern – our Twin Flame.

Each half of the whole, the two who are one, were destined to always carry the vibratory signature of their original complementary pattern. Therefore, even if you cannot see your Twin Flame, they are always with you. (These are symbolized by the Yin Yang sign – the complementary dot in the other half.) Because of the atomic nature of the creative potential when these two halves are joined physically, the two halves were separated in embodiment until such time as they could raise their individual frequencies to a certain level of consciousness. Their untimely joining in ego consciousness could otherwise result in atomic destruction; destruction that can actually destroy soul matter.

As these separated beings fell lower and lower into slower and more dense levels of consciousness (the fall of man) they each experienced multiple incarnations in both the male and female gender, though each being always retains the primary vibratory pattern of either the divine feminine principle or the divine masculine. This allowed them the experience of balancing these forces within themselves and assisted in attaining their full power and individualized sovereignty.

In this experience of education where individualized ego was intended to assist soul to evolve, the density became so congealed, so slow, that, for the most part, the soul lost conscious contact with the higher dimensional aspects of its multidimensional self and ego practically became the sole ruler of the identity. The ego was never intended to create selfishness and negativity. In a world disconnected, however, belief in separation from source, our Twin Flame, one another and all life became the accepted mass consciousness. Survival became the ego's playground.

Let's call this History of the World, Part II.

This mutually agreed upon expansion of God was called the great "out-breath".


Now God has made the clarion call for the Homecoming, for Love is the true nature of our beings. The great "in-breath" has begun. The lower dimensional aspects of the "children" of God are being awakened from the dream in the theater of duality for the encoding within our DNA for unity consciousness has been activated.

During our sojourn we have indeed achieved our individuality, and now understand our Thoughts and Feelings create our reality and that we are responsible for our creations and how they affect the whole. We have played every role: sinner and saint, villain and hero. Our creative power will be expressed by the completely unique beings that we have become, with a strong awareness of ourselves that nothing else could have afforded save our sojourn through ego and back into spiritual individuality.

However, during this education, we have created countless destructive energy forms which need to be recycled back into their primary substance for re-use in a constructive fashion. Also, the vibratory signature of the belief in separation created by ego is still strong. The energy required to shatter these energy forms is atomic in nature.

Hence, God is asking for the return in consciousness of Twin Flames. This is a special dispensation for they have never been allowed to join until such time as each complementary half had risen to the pure vibration of love. Those beings called to this reunion will be of a certain level of consciousness who have agreed on some level to restore the cosmic DNA patterns-- the original divine blueprints of the immaculate concept-- and anchor it in this dimension. The birth of the Real Twin Flame energies on Earth is the most important, most critical ingredient to the transformation of this world, for they are on the leading edge of returning the Christ consciousness to the individual soul.


Take a holographic image, like a flower embedded in a glass pendant…smash it with a hammer and pick up any of the smaller pieces and look--- the entire image exists in any shard of the previous whole. As above, so below, as within so without. WE ARE THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE AND IT EXISTS WITHIN US AS WELL. ALL OF IT. NO PART IS LEFT OUT. WE ARE WITHIN THE CREATOR AND YET THE CREATOR IS WITHIN US. IT IS COMPLETE, WHOLE, TOTAL AND ONE WITH ALL. Mother/Father God is omnipresent, as a hologram of the very creative force: Divine Feminine/ Divine Masculine – wave and particle – will and love.

God is both plural and uniquely singular in its omnipresence.

Because there is a quantum nature to our interconnectedness, such things as telepathy or psychic phenomenon work OUTSIDE the apparent laws of time and space. So if we work through the pre-existing interconnectedness of the holographic reality inherent in the Universe, communication is immediate.

When this planet was first formed, electricity in the primal form of lightning struck our atmosphere, forming in conjunction with sunlight, the four basic amino acids: adenine, guanine, thiamin and cytosine. These in turn became the sugars and phosphates present in every DNA structure in the body. These utilize the basic molecules of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon to combine together and build the body at a rate of 50 million cells per second. Not only is your DNA a crystalline based matrix, but every system in your body is one as well. These are the computer components, but what binds this all together and drives it all in a never ending, organized direction is what we call God – the unifying force which is primal and eternal.

The DNA transmits not only physical characteristics or predispositions, but also our concepts of time, space, energy and matter, and our conscious and unconscious filters. It transmits our receptivity to the inward impulse of God.

Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation. There have been controlled experiments in which certain frequencies were modulated through the sound vibration onto a laser like ray which were proven to influence the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Even WORDS created a reaction. (This is why affirmations, hypnosis, and the like, have a strong effect on humans and their bodies.) This is the science of wave genetics. THE BODY IS PROGRAMMABLE BY LANGUAGE, WORDS AND THOUGHTS (WAVE FORMS) BUT THE FREQUENCY HAS TO BE CORRECT AND CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION WITH THE DNA MUST BE ESTABLISHED.
DNA is an organic superconductor that works at normal body temperature, as opposed to artificial superconductors which require extremely low temperatures. They are able to store light and THUS information.

Resonant patterns in the DNA in a species responds to holographically communicated information when it reaches CRITICAL MASS. There are carrier circuits within the DNA that transmit and even form an intelligence through a reality membrane that is sub-quantum. It's a tributary ingredient of the unification force that propagates NEW traits and Understandings in the few to the many. From the master to the student, from the adept avatar to the masses.

It's like an auto-down-load of information from a satellite transmission sending information on broadband that shows up on everyone's home page

It's what enables the transmission of a new insight or a potent trait across a spectrum of species that resonates with the insight or trait and it does it without physical interaction. This is called the "Quantum Consciousness Shift Theory" or (100th Monkey theory).

It is not transmitted like a broadcast tower. It's transmitted SELECTIVELY to resonant DNA and the effect it has isn't dependent on whether the recipient is like, or even similar, to the donor. It's dependent on the receptivity of their DNA. (how they are wired) Some people open their DNA up to new innovations, new experiences, new learning, new thought, new techniques, and others don't. This is the critical factor in whether the new trait or idea is successfully transmitted to their field.

When even one being EMBODIES a new consciousness or paradigm, they establish and anchor the pure pattern in the dimension in which they exist. This information is then transmitted to RECEPTIVE DNA within their species. When 4.7% of the species connect, the resultant exponential expansion overcomes inertia and critical mass is swiftly reached, thus interpenetrating the entire species with the New Consciousness or trait.

Twin Flames are the lock and the key that together open the way to humanity's transformation and transcendence beyond the ego. The moment of conscious joining (on any level of consciousness) turns the key in the lock. The moment you connect, whether together physically or in higher consciousness, you are eligible for direct delivery of pure light. Those who feel this powerful magnetic tug from the heart are now being instructed to put forth their individual call for their beloved NOW for several reasons;
1) To awaken humanity,
2) To use this conscious union to assist in transmuting the energy forms on this dimension within the agreed upon time frame and
3) To return this Earth to its true reality of rich, verdant life and beauty, to abundance and ecstasy in perfect pattern and form.

But it's not as simple as saying "I choose you to be my other half because the computer matched our personality profiles as compatible beings!" Until the heart is open there is no access to the Twin Flame। As your heart becomes centered in love, vibrating in Love, that Love will (must) manifest before you. If you do not recognize God within you, you will not recognize God outside of yourself as your Twin Flame. Through Twin Flame love you may truly know yourself as love in form, as love in action, as God's Love and as God's child in the world. If you call your beloved and cannot see them, then you can be assured you are still caught in the illusion.


Let's get into harmonics and the physics of our vibrational reality. Obviously since the first split then took on limitless "splits" thereafter, (much like the cells replicating in your own body) our beloved Twin Flame has been replicated in holographic form as many times as have we. God is a hologram and everything that exists in the vastness of your being, exists in the microscopic cell. In a hologram there is no end. We are limitless cosmic beings choosing to send forth our energies through layer after layer of creation. It is exponential-- as exponential as familial replication as we understand it in our earth lives.

Therefore, what you consider the "self" sitting in that chair is but a splinter of the vast cosmic multidimensional being that you truly are, dwelling here in a time/space continuum of education based in duality consciousness; a place where you could grow with the assistance of ego to claim your individualized co-creative ability by learning to use Thoughts and Feelings to vibrationally magnetize your reality. Duality affords the swiftest method of education for it provides extreme contrast between constructive and destructive thoughts and feelings.


Because nothing can exist within your field of experience (be magnetically attracted) unless you hold that frequency or resonance within your own field, your Twin Flame may literally overshadow any person who is in your field of experience. What you are calling into tangible experience is the pure vibratory signature of your beloved other half that originates from the purity of the First Split and it can infiltrate by spirit, much like food
coloring can be dropped in a bowl of water and infiltrate every molecule of the water. The minute you accept the other's existence, and the possibility of the Twin Flame's manifestation, you begin to move toward each other.

The ego's agenda is always about "getting." This is anti-love, for love is always about "giving." Love must express itself, must bathe everything and everyone within its path as it gives and gives and gives again.

"You have always heard, 'when the student is ready, the teacher appears.' On the same note, when your heart is ready, your Twin Flame appears. Not because they have not been there! But because you have been unable to recognize them."
Yael Powell, Messages from God

At any given moment, everything in our experience, including every single relationship, is out-picturing our inner beliefs. When our relationships are less than harmonious or if we are proving that love hurts, abandons, or disappoints, it is only an energy form from within us that is reflecting without. You could be with your beloved at this very moment and not know it, for they may be reflecting only the symbols of your inner landscape for you. Do not assume that they are unworthy or that too much water has passed under the bridge of your relationship.

You must be willing to see your current partner as your Twin Flame, and unconditionally pour forth your love to them "as if." They will act as your perfect mirror. Remember, as you move in pure love and make the call for your Twin Flame, that energy will be drawn from the First Split and will overshadow the one who can contain it. Your Twin Flame will respond magnetically by resonance with your specific individualized vibratory signature. As your Twin Flame is acknowledged, and nourished with your love and purity, your heart will begin to broadcast the signal of this vibrational resonance to bring your Twin Flame into full manifestation before you.

As your Twin Flame is brought into embodiment, it means that you heart is pure enough and loving enough to have this reflected to you in form. This means you must live from the heart and that takes effort in the face of mass consciousness, for you cannot see that for which you are not ready. If something is out of your range vibrationally, it simply cannot enter your consciousness, even if you are standing right in front of it. It requires perfect trust and faith in Love that is so powerful that it will displace the ego's view.

This does not mean abandoning the relationship you are in to go searching for your true soul's mate who is "out there somewhere."


Twin Flame love will never break up another relationship. If the relationship is out of reach, it merely means the energy is tantalizing you, but far enough away for safety (usually because of some fear you are harboring.) It means you are not allowing the manifestation of your Twin Flame. Never allow ego to use its games to justify any action that is out of integrity with love and life, for a relationship begun at the expense of pain to another with someone who has not completed the lessons where they are, cannot ever be the basis for the true Twin Flame reunion or Sacred Sexuality.

Calling forth your Twin Flame means you have said "Yes" to love, that you know and own your own sovereignty and willingly surrender and give all the love you have to your beloved। Pouring this forth ceaselessly forms a magnetic attraction from a vibrational level that cannot be resisted and as it is returned magnetically to you, it is increased tenfold from your complementary pattern. If you give forth this love without limit, if your current partner cannot contain the energy, they will harmoniously leave your field.

The goal of Twin Flame union is to reconnect to the NOW MOMENT OF CREATION through the conscious and balanced union of sacred sexuality, and re-qualify the vibration of light of the electron, then deliver this "amped up" love to all creation (including all New Creation brought forth through the Twin Flame union.) It changes, illumines, raises in vibration, everything to which it is delivered!

The Twin Flame dispensation is the most important thing that has happened for humanity since the coming of Jesus and his accomplishment for humankind, for through their union they tap into this all-inclusive Love and generate more Love through the Twin Flame heart. Then as they give forth this Love, which is the substance of what they are, the very essence of life, this Love, will then draw unto them its reflection as abundance, as beauty, as integrity of alignment, as everything that reflects Love and life in the symbols of the world.

Why would you want to do this and how can this possibly serve the whole?

Light equals actively moving love. It is originally transmitted from the higher sources with purity and intensity, but is re-qualified by everything to which it is delivered. One of the greatest services Twin Flames can provide is to draw atoms of light which have been reduced in their vibrational quality (from any condition, person, place or thing) into their Twin Flame heart as it connects to the ONGOING MOMENT OF CREATION, to be "refilled OR recharged," then amplify them and send them forth to do their work again.

Energy cannot be destroyed. The only thing that can be done with an existing pattern or form is to transmute it into a different form.

This combined with the conscious use among the LightWorkers of the Violet Transmuting Flame, can shatter these old energy forms that no longer serve the consciousness of mankind and literally recycle the energy back into its highest frequency. This eliminates the emotional charge associated with the energy form and therefore the electromagnetic attraction, yet, it still allows for the wisdom garnered from the experience to be retained. The New energy is then ready to be qualified by mankind in a constructive fashion with reverence and honor toward all life – ALL THAT IS.


The term, "lovemaking" used to describe sexual union between partners is actually a literal cosmic translation. But to fully comprehend the implied scope of this and how it relates to sacred sexuality, a physics lesson woven within the language of spirituality is appropriate.

Electricity has a positive and negative charge (div. mas. & div. fem). However, there is not a FLOW of electricity until the two merge their balanced polarities in harmony. This is an orgasm – A SURGE OF ENERGY INTO THE LIGHT, INTO THE EXPLOSION THAT WE UNDERSTAND AS ILLUMINATION. This is what occurs when the two complementary forces of a negative and a positive charge come together in physicality: THEY CAUSE AN EXPLOSION OF ORGASMIC UNDERSTANDING. Your life was intended to be an ongoing ecstasy and joy which is orgasmic in nature, as a replication of the COSMIC ORGASM, or the "Ongoing Moment of Creation."

Balance is the requirement for the energy exchange of the polarities and
the continuity through the completion of the circuit is a requirement.

Any relationship in this dynamic explosion of energy on the physical level creates an understanding of the passionate expression of God, which is the creation of the universe.

The surge to merge is the desire to know GOD, to know God outward of you in order to complete your awareness of third dimension. Passion is joy.
Passion in ANY area of your life is the fervent desire for love to be expressed through creation. AND PASSION has everything to do with becoming aware of GOD.

It is actually not IMPORTANT that you exchange this energy with a physical partner. It is wonderful and divine, but not something which is necessary. WHAT IS NECESSARY, HOWEVER, IS TO RECOGNIZE THE WHOLE OF LIFE AS YOUR LOVER.

The re-circulating of orgasmic energy into your own field will rejuvenate and expand your essence energy. The Egyptians symbolized this re-circulating of energy as the Ankh. Or if it is used to magnify divine love and send it out into creation, it will return on the great circle of life magnified and bless not only yourself but the whole. If you spew forth this energy with no conscious direction, it is squandered. You will feel momentary contentment, but you will also experience exhaustion of your essence energy, because you are not replenishing yourself with your own fountain.

You CAN turn on this spigot of essence energy without the complement of another being in physicality. You can turn it on by joining with your Twin Flame in consciousness.

The combination of Power and unconditional love in harmonic union equals sovereignty

Sacred Sexuality and Orgasm are atomic in nature, CREATING CONTROLLED NUCLEAR FUSION. Sacred Sexuality is the Sacred Alchemical Marriage, the Holy Grail. To achieve this state is to touch in perfect love, to see in perfect love, and completely open every particle of your being to the giving of perfect love. Sacred Marriage is meant to sanctify your relationship and firmly establish God at the apex of your union.

Now, allow me to speak through the language of science what has just taken place. Atomic power is the greatest force of love, because the atom is the closest to the Source, closest to the Ongoing Moment of Creation. In the atom are electrons moving around a center, an energy that holds them in place. The core of that atom, that central energy is LOVE. The atoms are living beings. The central core is their heart: it is Love. The central cores of the atoms of your bodies are connected directly to the core of GOD, the core of All That Is, while Source is exploding forth in the glorious Love-Making that is creation. When you connect all of your being to that Moment of Creation in the balanced exchange of the divine masculine and feminine forces, the window to which is the central energy of your very atoms, you will be returned to the Eternal Now. It can be achieved through sacred sexual union with your Twin Flame and only then will your energy match the energy of creation.

There are four primary forces at play in this universe: strong nuclear, weak nuclear, gravity and electromagnetic. The Twin Flame union embodies all four and is therefore absolutely and powerfully creative. The strongest magnetic field on Earth is the awakening Twin Flame heart!
When you make love together you create the Christ Twin Flame Heart Womb. It is the same as the StarGate within the atoms of your body. (Every life form exists within a torroidal field, from a cell, to a planet. to a human
If you've heard the phrase, "the great circle of life," it is describing the way energy moves out through a 3 dimensional torroidal field, how it magnetically attracts similar energy, and returns to the creator magnified) In both the center of the atom and your heart womb lies the opening … the center through which you can travel home.

Electrons, as they dance in vibrant joy around this StarGate, are conscious beings. These too are living solar systems. For as you are within God, so are they within you. They are another dimension, intelligences or beings who occupy the universe that is within you. You are responsible for the upliftment and spiritual, as well as, physical well being of these inner universes.

Only by matching your frequency to that exploding Ongoing Moment of Creation may you enter the vortex without having the explosion scatter your atoms. You are emitting ionizing radiation which knocks off orbital electrons --- and if the flood of electrons is not consciously directed, it causes cell death and genetic mutation in any living thing.

The atomic bomb is an example of this activity for it utilizes UNSTABLE or undirected nuclei and the result is destruction of matter.

To create stable nuclei, you must be LOVEMAKING. And to be LOVEMAKING, you must have your TWIN FLAME. For when you are joined together, your electrons actually exchange places so your entire being is one flesh in the miracle of Sacred Marriage.

When every electron is vibrating higher and higher in the ecstasy of your union, and the joined being is experiencing the glorious union, the climax of your LoveMaking, your body will become light of the highest order. When this occurs your electrons that are light in motion will go through the central core of the atoms – the opening into the NOW and you will be Home. Your body literally becomes your vehicle of warp-drive back to unity consciousness and ecstasy. Imagine that! Ecstasy – held in reverence in the cup of the humble electron!

Dynamic feelings are what direct the speed of the electrons. When they move to the speed of true light, the atoms of your two bodies must come together--- they must collide, just as happens at even the lowest atomic level as the fusion reaction of the atom bomb. The resulting energy released will power your shift through the center of the atoms of the all of your joined being. But it MUST BE DIRECTED, and what directs it is your THOUGHT. Feelings of ecstasy are the highest form of energy in creation, and they are your natural state of being.
At our current level of density, the movement of Love is congealed and thus requires dynamic FEELING to push it along, amp it up.

Only under these conditions can it move fast enough to return to its more normal fluid state and become available to us for experiencing and spreading. When the atoms become filled with ecstasy, the center of every atom is beyond time, beyond form. Those atoms become God, vibrating at the highest rate. This is light. The explosion of Love that is creation.
As more and more of your being becomes made out of atoms whose center is already HOME, the more God you become and the more light you are and the less you identify with the smaller version of yourself. As these atoms pour through both you and your Twin Flame, you will attune your own beings to this new energy.

Combining two high energy atoms into one stable atom through the Power of Love equals NUCLEAR FUSION. And in this fusion, two nuclei of the same species lead to a doubling of genetic information: This Unity of Love creates MORE LOVE.

So the atoms become enlightened. Then of course, so do the cells of which they are part. As this happens your very cells will be reconnected in a new way to their original blueprint and each cell will be freed from the illusion (which marks the end of death as you know it.)

The movement of love, especially in its true fluid state, puts off a flood of electrons. Each electron carries the actual brightness/light or heat equal to what was generated by the Love from which it came. This heat is energy as you know it because it creates change. The electron delivers its heat to whatever it touches, but then the fact of delivery cools the light, which then must be heated back up again.

Light is embodied. Absolutely every energy in creation is held within a consciousness. The embodiment of light is the electron. Because the electron is a conscious being there is much for us to understand about being in relationship with electrons.

A. Since it is conscious, it is affected by other consciousnesses. In fact they are meant to be a deliverer of energy, so faithfully delivering their packet of energy as directed by other conscious entities, they deliver them and then wait to be refilled and sent forth to deliver yet again.

B. Light can and does become degraded as it moves into and out of another conscious life form. Electrons constantly "read" their environment and Thoughts constantly direct electrons. It is the Thought that magnetizes the energy field around us. Electrons conform to the consciousness of the experimenter, just like magnetic iron filings conform to a magnet – they have no will of their own. MATTER MUST OBEY CONSCIOUSNESS.

C. The only thing that can ever alter this flow of degraded light is for a co-creative consciousness (like you) to send it back to the Ongoing Moment of Creation to be essentially regenerated. This brings it back into the very highest vibration. So to send the electrons that come into your field of energy back to the Ongoing Moment of Creation charges them way up and brings back the purity of their energy. Obviously this is a way that you can lift and bless and bring the love here back into a more molten state through the union with your Twin Flame.

Your Twin Flame sexual union and connection to the Ongoing Moment of creation creates a wormhole, a bridge between dimensions through which information can be transmitted outside of time and space. These are for the purpose of hyper-communication. Once created it leaves a typical wave pattern even when your consciousness is not present. In other words, energy from outside of space and time still flows through the activated wormholes after that which causes the pattern is removed. This will start happening again as we stabilize in our individual consciousness. You are literally ANCHORING the flow of the immaculate concept or divine pattern of perfection into this dimension.

When you heat up your love, which is your essence, in conscious lovemaking, you are sending forth a great fountain of electrons that are filled, or charged, with highest light, thus delivering the light of the Moment of Creation to those they touch. First deliver to yourself Ð to grow you quickly back to the ability to reconnect, so that even when you are not physically making love you will be completely connected. Thus connected there is an open channel through which these electrons can pour continually Ð not only when making love.

First wake the cells, for the cells are the communities that process the energy delivered by the electrons। You do this for each other best, but those not yet with Twin Flame physically can definitely still call forth their assistance on the higher levels and bring the energy into your own bodies. After waking the cells, you will find that your sexual experience now encompasses your entire body. Your sexual organs are not more or less sexual than any other part of your body. Your lovemaking becomes a complete and amazing full body experience. Then Consciously move love through each chakra, connecting to the corresponding chakra of your lover and allow it to climb the spiral of the double helix made between you. As you pour forth this love, it will return to you from your lover as it crosses over your energy stream in a figure 8. The electrons are traveling in this figure 8.

When the chakra energies merge with each other, giving forth God's perfect love, a double helix is created (a precise duplicate of the DNA) that completes an encoding sequence that acts like a tumbler on a bank vault security system, unlocking joint spiritual potential। The Christ Heart Chakra (the median, central chakra which unites all of the chakras) acts as a central womb. This Christ Twin Flame Heart Womb begins to pulse powerfully as the electrons cross at the center point of the figure 8, and when enough heat (e-motion or feeling) excites the electrons, the spiral spin begins to take place within this center, drawing the electrons down through the vortex that is created. As the electrons collide in the vortex, there is a nuclear reaction in which floods of electrons are freed from their orbit, holographically creating MORE love.

AT THIS POINT YOU BEGIN RUNNING PERFECT LIGHT THROUGH THE SYSTEM, WHICH IS NOW THE TWO OF YOU AS ONE. YOU ARE AT THIS MOMENT CHRISTED BEINGS… creating from a Twin Flame Heart. Not man using Christ energy, but rather you are the very Christ energy – the perfect electrons, pure, crystal clear. Your beings, the love you are, begin moving the rate of creation. This is where you can change everything with a thought –a touch.

The moment you intend to create MORE love, even as God creates, it begins to happen. Within this womb this dynamic duo can place any mold or thought and fill it with this atomic substance of love, then cool it down and instantaneously manifest their creation. There is always creation, even if only as light forms. Hence the need for each heart to be in a place of pure love in order to join. Whatever you think about and move with feeling is created! It becomes your reality.

Conscious and deliberate Twin Flame manifestation happens instantaneously.

As I said earlier, the moment a person joins with their Twin Flame on any level whatsoever, they are eligible for direct delivery of light, INSTEAD of having it transduced by the hierarchy of light.

This light comes to you in many ways. It comes directly from the beings that are your SUN and these beings in turn are continually receiving even higher or faster light from a greater Sun being. Light is also consciously poured to you by those beings who are the tender caretakers of humanity – from the archangels to those ascended ones who have walked your same path and become one with the Christ Light. These beings then must step down or transduce the light, often way, way down to deliver it to humanity. Light is also drawn within humanity for their use from Lightworkers.

With this direct delivery of pure light, you can amplify that light even more, consciously asking for its increase, (a very good thing to do while and after making love.) You can then refill the delivering electrons and send them forth to transform someone or something else. Even a tiny portion of this perfect light greatly uplifts the vibrational sum of your two lives as they become one.

If one calls only for their own light, they will get it, but they could have accomplished the same AND lifted humanity for the same effort.

The only time you should not focus on giving forth to the rest of All That Is, is when you are together with your Twin Flame, awakening your cells. To initially place your Will and attention there, on yourselves, will increase YOUR ability to give forth more than a thousand fold easily.

This is why you must control your feelings. Feelings are energy. You do this by controlling your thoughts, for thoughts direct your feelings absolutely. Controlling thoughts and feelings are the most important single thing a human being can do.

Make continual decisions to feel ecstasy, love, and gratitude for if you do nothing else, these decisions will change everything. Give forth, without limit, God's perfect love from the river of life. The "getting" will take care of itself as what you give out multiplies and is returned to you. You need not put any attention at all upon the "getting."

What a miracle it is to be alive!

Until you live in praise, continual praise for that miracle, you will not be in right relationship to life.

When the light within you becomes as great as this glorious light that God/All That Is continually sends to you, then the Circle of Life is complete. There are worlds within worlds within worlds, within you, every one of which will then be free, free to live the ecstatic expression of giving life.

This is freedom. This is what it means to be home in God, to recognize life and honor it.

You and your Twin Flame are the generators of the substance of Love. You're the heart cells of GOD. You are meant to accept God's living love from the Moment of Creation – a never ending explosive expression of who and what God is. You are meant to accept this love, to take it and feel it and then amplify it – to CREATE MORE LOVE. The Great Love-Making. Then this love pours forth from you to nourish all within your keeping, giving God's love to feed all creation the substance of life.

Eros & Psyche

I see this as an article in relation to self. Much nested hidden meaning within to digest before I build my cocoon...

Mythology of the Erotic and Soulful Impulses
from PANTHEON: Archetypal Gods in Daily Life" by Iona Miller

"The story of Eros and Psyche has been passed down through the work of a Greek initiate in the Eleusinian (or Isis) Mysteries...The tale has great psychological value since it reveals the development of the initiate's relationship with his anima as a result of the initiatory process. In the tale, Eros representing the reproductive passion is transformed through its relationship with Psyche.

Psyche is a mortal incarnation of Eros' mother, Venus or Aphrodite. Since she is mortal, she represents that part of Eros' anima which is closer to consciousness. Venus becomes jealous of Psyche because mortals begin worshipping her beauty, preferring her to an abstract Olympian goddess.

Psyche's appearance in an account of the Eleusinian Mysteries points to the identification between Psyche and Isis, and Aphrodite and Isis. One might think that the goddess, then, fights against herself. In a sense, she does. She protests because of the narrowing of her potential into a finite mortal form.

If Psyche is Venus in diminutive form, Eros actually takes part in a variation on the theme of sacred marriage with his mother/daughter/sister. This repeats the old Egyptian transformation formula of I.A.O. (Isis-Aphosis-Osiris). concerning the mystery of rebirth.

Psyche is a form of Kore, the eternal maiden, the mother goddess in rejuvenated, human form. Therefore, the Eros and Psyche tale is a variation of the Demeter-Kore myth. For the female initiate, this myth represents the deepest experience of the female "ms.teries" of the Self.

For the male initiate, it means a progressive integration of the anima which then leads to an experience of the Self. While he is still mother-complexed, all the form of the goddess are compounded in the figure of the Great Mother. Without transformation he is her eternal lover who is always subject to fragmentation of his personality, (i.e. death and rebirth). The same theme played out in the Dionysian mysteries, where the god of ecstasy is torn limb from limb by the Maenads.

The story of Eros and Psyche on various arcs concerns such important human areas as anima (for a man) and animus (for a woman); it is also a paradigm of developing relationship, and bears a strong message regarding developmental tasks in the natural process of women's (or feminine) consciousness raising.

The action of the archetype of anima/animus means that we project our unconscious idea of the All-Woman or All-Man onto an individual in whom we see this ideal essence. No single person can be the carrier of all the divine attributes or qualities we project onto them. When they fail to live up to our unconscious expectations, the process of consciousness raising begins.

The Venus function is a lens which can magnify or distort. The story of Eros and Psyche reveals a process of deep metamorphosis and renewal where all the values of the feeling function, emotional life, and moral standards gradually gain new significance and purpose.

There is a "change of heart." Eros moves from sexual objectification toward soulful love; Psyche from projection of her masculine qualities toward empowerment. Emotionally, they act out the dynamic of the puer/puella immature relationship in the meantime. This naturally leads toward active introspection on the mental level, which results in spiritual consciousness raising -- a renewed sense of empathy and compassion.

This myth resonates with the Tarot Trump, THE LOVERS. The Crowley deck shows an exalted version of the sacred marriage. But more mundane decks generally show a man flanked on either side by two women competing for his attention. He is in an unconscious relationship with both the more material, motherly type and the young sexual counterpart who probably represents an immature anima or soul image.

These female figures are sometimes polarized as light and dark anima figures. If we view the young man as the immature ego, this card can also represent a woman with a split between the physical and spiritual aspects of love. Sometimes this dynamic becomes concretized, "acted out," in life through a love triangle.

The ego must bear responsibility for any action it takes in response to the conflicting figures. In the psychology of both en and women, male figures symbolize aspects of the body, emotions, and soul. The polarity is between sexual passions, secret feelings, and spiritual strivings which exert a definite hold on the ego.

Each is compelling in a magical, magnetic way. The ego cannot detach itself from either of them in outer reality since each belongs to its inner reality. If the ego stands its ground, and endures the tension of conflicting desires, it can become free of the spell of unconscious projection in either direction.

We must come to terms with both instinctual draws to gain full stature. This is a step toward individuation. Otherwise we remain in thrall to our feminine, instinctual side which conditions our emotions. We live out a frozen, trance-like state of mystified love, rather than mature, soulful love.

The challenge is to connect our spiritual and emotional life, through passionate involvement in all of life. Then we find ourselves in a new relationship with others and in harmony with ourselves, facing each individual conflict and suffering through it to its resolution in transcendence.

By facing our fears and pains -- becoming conscious of our conflicts -- we can find peace. New realizations appear in their embryonic stage as conflicts which offer use choices in life. These decision points become either our life's path or roads-not-taken.
Eros, like Fate, is symbolic of the fatal power of attraction which brings opposites together. He is the incarnating life principle, which ushers in the irrational, passionate intensity which makes transformation possible. He "turns up the heat" on the psychic process, he is that spiritual or divine fire which can unite with instinct.


In the creation myths of many cultures, Primordial Wholeness divided into two polarizing aspects. Together these are known as the "syzygy" and indicate an archetypal coupling where one aspect is never separated from the other.
In the "impersonal" aspect of lunar (or Venusian) experience, the Great Goddess is never separated from her masculine Son-Lover. They are locked in an eternal fascination for one another. One implies the other for wholeness. They exemplify the soul-spirit relationship on a naive level of psychological development.
On the "personal" level this tandem is expressed as anima/animus. They are the contrasexual component within us all. In other words, these soul figures embody our latent capacities for expression and realization of the traits normally associated with the opposite sex.

Thus, the animus leads a woman to the outer world and promotes her ability in focused, rational thinking; conversely, the anima guides a man (or our ego) through the inner worlds of relationship. Since anima and animus build a bridge between the conscious and unconscious perspectives, they function as mediators between the known and the "unknown."

This is the level of psychological "complex" where there is a blending of archetypal realities with our individual experiences. Complexes function like psychological "strange attractors", magnetically centering portions of our energy within their particular patterns of expression. This magnetic draw is the attractive force of Eros coupled with the psychic urge toward manifestation.

The imagery of anima/animus is based in archetypal symbolism and in childhood memories of significant others of the opposite sex. This includes parental attitudes and behavior, grandparents' influence, siblings, first-love, caregivers, mentors, and cultural expectations and norms.

Anima/animus determines our conceptualization of the ideal mate, and is responsible for such phenomena as "love at first sight," and "star-crossed lovers." It takes the elements of fate and destiny and combines them in an impersonal formula, which paradoxically feels totally unique.

Anima/animus represents the balancing of masculine and feminine traits in us as individuals. This balancing is a form of sacred marriage, a union which produces a magickal child which is the higher Self, much like Eros and Psyche give birth to Voluptas, deep and abiding pleasure or satisfaction.

The animus is the masculine personification of the soul. He carries both a transcendent spiritual aspect and a personal aspect. He is shown in the tale as a beautiful creature, whom Psyche is at first convinced is a terrible monster -- sort of an "all men are beasts" programming. Later, she learns his true nature.

Anima/animus are potential guides to the depths of the unconscious, forming a bridge to daily life. They are factors which transcend consciousness, both light and dark. So in a relationship which seem to have everything going for it, there can be friction or "animosity" produced by the unconscious forces (complexes) operating below the surface.

Most of these troubles stem from projecting the anima/animus image onto our loved ones, then maneuvering them into fulfilling our expectations. Internal conflicts come from the split nature of anima/animus which we experience in modern life. This again revolves mainly around the gulf between the "spiritual" and "sensual" aspects of the inner figure.

For example, a Madonna/whore complex, which is a split between the holy mother and the erotic love goddess. Or, the spiritual animus might be projected onto the figure of a wise man, guru or ghostly lover to whom a woman faithfully goes in her fantasy-life, or onto an idealized brother/sister relationship devoid of sexual options.
Reality must be found between idealized (virtually non-existent) relationships and degraded relationships. The sensual animus may be presented as the darker gods of impersonal sexuality, phallic or obscene in nature.

In any event, the animus represents a woman's need for creative expression. The more fully she can manifest this trait, the better her inner relationship to the animus within becomes. He provides her with inner light, not inspiration which is a function of anima nature, the core of her Self.

Anima/animus excite those feelings of longing, awe, fear of the unknown, and incomprehensibility. They imply that when we love deeply, we open ourselves to the possibility of betrayal and the pain of separation. We open ourselves to wounding, and this very woundedness is our openness. The transpersonal power of love can appear as an obsession or possession by another, against which rational thought is no protection.

Eros and Psyche represent the experience of this emotional-sexual level and its projections, coupled with the exercise of discrimination between what is archetypal and what is personal in life.


How does this myth of the divine lovers play our in modern emotional life? It is a metaphor of psychological growth -- "bringing up Psyche." It identifies certain developmental tasks fundamental to mature identity and the ability to love fully, such as sorting out feelings, setting appropriate boundaries, owning projections, developing a dispassionate Observer Self, and empowerment with compassion.

When relationships get stalled this process is stuck in the immature stage. John Bradshaw calls these "mystified relationships," still enmeshed in the dynamics of the very early family life of the partners. The issues of safety and trust are unresolved. These are relationships which stick together for the sake of the children, and the "children" are the regressive personalities of the lovers!

The healthy Eros/Psyche relationship is one of empathy and intimacy, safety and passion. It is joyful and totally relaxed. When conflicts come up, as they inevitably will, there are means of negotiation. This is "soulful" love which includes many results of self-consciousness. It is generative in nature. There is bonding, commitment rather than enmeshment, vulnerability, self-disclosure, sensuality, ecstasy, as well as respect, caring, belonging, togetherness, toleration, and constancy.

Jeffrey Satinover examines the role of the Self in relationship in a Jungian tape, "Being Separate, Being Together." The talk is from a Jungian conference on wounding and healing in relationships. Every analyst knows that healthy loving reationships are more healing than all the therapy in the world.

The tale of Eros and Psyche is with us today in the psychological complex known as "puer/puella," (boy/girl). They are stuck at the adolescent stage of development. This same complex is imaged in the Tarot trump, The Lovers.

Much of psychic life remains hidden as in the initial stages of the myth. This includes secret thoughts, feelings, fears, criticisms, anticipations, etc. A psychological initiation occurs when we are suddenly forced to "go within" ourselves and discover or "own" the subconscious processes operating there. Gradually, we begin to recognize that relationship involves chronic "wounding and healing." In the myth, for example, Psyche spills hot oil on Eros while trying to see what he looks like during his sleep -- trying to see what his unconscious relationship with her is.

In love, the root experience is of the archetype of the Self. The broad, deep emotional experience coupled with detachment facilities from impulse to action. This Self is the root of emotions when the ego is identified with it. The Self remains ineffable, or unknown, and is too sacred to be expressed in words.

We experience the Self as our inner childlike nature when we act our a pattern of cyclic instability in our lovelife. We don't relate "adult to adult," but "wounded child to wounded child." Neediness on both parts keeps the legitimate needs of both from being met. These are periods of despair and exaltation, wounding and healing.

This is a variation of the archetype of the dying and resurrecting god. In its self-reflecting narcissism, this complex no stable sense of identity. We ask ourselves, "Who am I, and why can't I behave as I'd like to?" Some people seek therapy for this very absence of a stable sense of identity, after trying to form a false identity as a couple.

Love brings alterations and fluctuations between feelings of fear, of "being nobody," or worthless when we are wounded, or feeling special and precious when things are going well. These feelings may change rapidly depending on the emotional climate, and this is an unsettling feeling.

The chronic emotion is a feeling of overwhelming longing for support of the loved one, coupled with feelings of extreme emptiness when the beloved is gone. Possessive jealousy comes from projecting our own negative self-image onto the rival who seems to succeed in an area where we have failed the loved one.

When the Self begins operating in an individual, the ego automatically begins acting defensively to protect itself against the intolerable sense of fragmentation which it anticipates will follow. The feeling of being unique and whole alternates with self-defense against feeling wounded and worthless.

The defense consists of cutting off the roots of all intense emotional experience with the beloved, and may even extend into other friendships. Some people seek solace in the predictable gratification of alcohol or drugs as substitutes for the unpredictable pleasures of love.

The Self's proper role in relationship is concerned with self-analysis or getting to know one's inner workings better. Each marriage or relationship consists of a union among four aspects -- the normal consciousness of the partners and their subconscious or inner Self.

Thus, a woman loves not only a man as he behaves in outer life, but his inner "feminine" soul; a man embraces his wife and her inner "masculine" soul. This relationship was depicted in alchemy as the marriage of the alchemist and his mystic sister who is his inner nature.

Instead of depending on one another for a sense of self-value (co-dependence), self-esteem emerges from within through reflective introversion. We can mirror, validate, and support ourselves when we listen to our inner nurturing voice. When we explore our own personal depths, we come into our daily relationships as whole people. Then we can form truly interdependent, reciprocal relationships.

"Falling in love" is a vehicle for the experience of the self. This experience, or even yearning for it, influences our daily life and human experience tremendously. As they say, "Love makes the world go around." Yet it automatically means there will be a fragmentation of personality following sooner or later, since an unconscious dynamic has been unleashed. The old personality must be dissolved before the new structure co-created by the partners can be established.

Difficulties and disappointments follow when the other doesn't reflect back the expected sense of specialness or idealness. We often hold ideals of relationship which we have never seen and could not exist in real life. In an attempt to actualize our fantasy life, we unconsciously compel or manipulate the other person to fulfill it. There is a simultaneous attachment or identification of the ego with the vast potential of the Self, which no partner can maintain.

When one partner doesn't fulfill expectations, the addictive yearning to fulfill expectations, the addictive yearning to experience the specialness of the Self changes into an indifference to the other which is not genuine. This is a reactionary defense against the Self in that both the unique and fragmentary periods produce pain for the ego. It is difficult for the ego to "live up" to the idealized image, also.
There is a pressure on the ego to live the demands of the Self, or cut them off entirely in a negative defense move. Longing and disappointment change to seeming indifference and then the person begins to seek outward. This is a compulsive drive to recreate the appearance of the Self through yet another lover.

The feeling of jealousy in the deserted party comes from feeling possessive of the lover as something of one's own, and experiencing the loss of Self, or even fear of the loss of Self. The type of attachment that believes the other is responsible for the experience of the specialness of the self leads inevitably to painful separations.
There is a "way of being together" in which both partners maintain separate identities. They are distinct yet conjoined. In this liberated experience there is emotional intensity combined with detachment from compulsion. When each person experiences the Self with some degree of autonomy from identification with the ego, there is reduction of the strain in maintaining the Self of the other. We cease to make such exaggerated demands on one another. We let go of the reactionary stage of power struggles, and become emotionally independent.

The power struggles (counterdependence) in relationship aren't for power, per se. They manipulations and desperate maneuverings of the partners to maintain their individual sense of Self. These struggles are a natural stage which comes prior to true independence, individuation of self-actualization.

The associations of a complex can be detached from an image which should be archetypal. We can consciously separate our what is personal and human from what is archetypal and essentially divine. We don't need to confuse our lovers with divine archetypal powers, though we each carry a divine component.
When we reown our projections, the other doesn't carry the burden of our spirituality for us. The spiritual problem is no longer disguised as a relationship problem. Our relationship with the higher power becomes direct. When each individual has an internal relationship with the Self, the other partner is not forced to carry and reinforce the projection of the Self. They are no longer exposed to the intense disappointment of the lover when they inevitably fail to live up to god-like qualities which only a higher power can carry.


Though many versions of this tarot trump, the Lovers, depict the classic love triangle, this card has much deeper meanings. Depth experience of the higher Self comes from being actively introspective, as shown by THE LOVERS in the Rider Tarot deck. The male (consciousness) looks to the female (subconscious) who in turn looks to the Angel (Self) for guidance and direction. We should look within ourselves for validation and certain fulfillment. We need to examine our own feelings and thoughts, not pass the buck for our unhappiness onto our partners.
The Self is a powerful internal dynamism of positive and negative manifestations which range from despair to exaltation. Since it symbolizes this entire range of emotion, you can't depend on it like a benevolent parent. When each partner isn't held responsible for what they are, they have the option of acting with charity or benevolence, instead of our of a compulsion to control one another.

The nature of any relationship cannot be predicted from the qualities of the separate people involved. For example, oxygen and hydrogen chemistries do not predict the emergent properties of their combination in water. Both are completely altered in the process of uniting.

When people enter a relationship, there is a trans-FORM-ation of personality. The old form of the ego must die to be reborn in service to the relationship. Even the word 'transformation' contains images which intimate a knowledge of the fear of death. Morphe- (also in metamorphosis) means to gleam or sparkle with an appearance seen as beauty. "Trans-" contains images of piercing, mutilation, or maiming. These images of needs and distress produce relationship, but not idealism.
Eros embodies both compulsion and inhibition. We are both anxious and wary or leery of love. Love and fear seem to go together. The natural inhibitions of Eros need not be overcome. They are his way of eventually getting in touch with Psyche on a more profound level.

Eros embodies both creative and destructive instincts, therefore love can be a long process of being wounded and regenerated. Psyche would still be a virgin if she and Eros didn't go through this cycle. She is the reflective instinct, who would still be fascinated with her own dreams and visions if Eros didn't change her.

Eros makes Psyche's potential fertility into a regeneration of the power of love. At last, Eros and Psyche are united in vitality and passion through the imaginal aspects of interested love. The archetypal patterns are not only perceived in life, there is an active participation in the cycle.

There is a suffering of impossible love until Psyche's soul work, symbolized by her tasks, is completed. Then a psychologically creative union produces experiences of pleasure, the "Pleasure born of the soul." There is perception of the dimension of immortality intimated by love -- and the possibility of realizing sacred sexuality through the practice of such pursuits as Tantra, where the divine is given it's due, though seemingly incarnated in the partner.


The tale of Eros and Psyche relates the trials and tribulations of a maturing love affair. It means moving from separation and control toward praise, honor, and love. It occurs within the psyche through the process of metamorphosis.
In fact, the Greek word 'Pysche' means butterfly and this process of essential restructuring involves cocooning and re-emergence in the new, potentiated form. The failure or stalling of this natural growth process is a spiritual issue, and may become a spiritual problem, which most frequently is perceived as a relationship problem.

Eros and Psyche are the primordial lovers. In this context Eros is more of a transpersonal daimon than a god. The Gods relate among themselves, but a daimon mediates between gods and men.

Psyche is a diminutive incarnation of Eros' mother, Aphrodite. She personifies the anima and positive mother-complex. By her attributes, we can see that Eros has a good feeling relationship with women and the unconscious, but one which is still to naive. His attitudes toward love are idealized.

Eros himself has been acting like the archetypal Don Juan before his encounter with Psyche, expressing the pattern of behavior his mother favors. This shows he is still identified with her, still in the grips of the puer complex. He is a son-lover, still compelled to serve his mama.

Aphrodite is jealous of her own incarnation in matte. This deep level of the unconscious does not wish her son to develop out of his naive, unquestioning attitude toward her role and desires for him. She is angry and tries to destroy Psyche or Eros' reflective ability. She realizes that Psyche embodies the mother-complex of Eros, but as his anima image is closer to consciousness than she is.

Things proceed well, though blindly, in the newlywed's paradisical realm until Aphrodite stirs up trouble by sending in Psyche's jealous sisters. These sisters instill grave doubts in Psyche, regarding her lover. They are too skeptical, too cynical, and too aware of the mundane side of relationship.

Secretly, they wish they could recapture some of Psyche's naive romantic attitudes in their own relationships. The closeness of their friendship opens the doorway for envy to enter. What is needed, though is a mature attitude which recognizes the paradox of love. There is always a divine and banal aspect to relationships. Both together represent a realistic, well-rounded experience, that is neither debased nor idealized.

Psyche begins her marriage as mortals do by being "in love." She is contained in a very unconscious state in the palace of Eros. She is possessed by love -- in love with love. She longs for that superhuman quality of perfection in her lover.

However, her humanness makes it necessary for her to make a transition to being consciously loving, accepting imperfection. All of the forces which surround her conspire to make this absolutely necessary. The agents of this process include Psyche's inner desire toward consciousness, the sister, Aphrodite, and Eros himself. She to divest herself of her myths about relationship and personal growth.

Eros compels her by remaining in the dark. His soul is still in the grips of primitive passion -- sexual objectification. So, of course, after a time, Psyche resolves that she wants a real relationship and wants to see her lover "as he really is." She has wearied of "nothing but sexuality." Her real motivation is her fear, but the unconscious has its own, as-yet-unknown goal. She also has the burning passion which wants to know real love.

When she surrenders to the mysteries of the soul, she embodies the genuine, personal love. Paradoxically, at this point, Eros flees her (incapable of emotional intimacy). Aphrodite (in an attempt to destroy her) sets the tasks which further her inner development. These are experienced as insurmountable problems, and she has suicidal impulses at each difficult point. These symbolize her readiness for self-sacrifice, but also allow her to transform from one level of consciousness to another.

Psyche's first task, sorting a huge pile of seeds, is set by Aphrodite. Psyche's biological instincts come to aid in the form of ants. This "ant-quality" is a primitive, quiet quality which is part of her inner masculinity. It is a discriminating function of Eros.

In fact, she has instinctually discriminated and sorted seed in a literal sense. She becomes pregnant by Eros while still in the paradisical state of unconsciousness. Even though she has seen the divine quality of her lover, she is no longer only animus possessed, but begins to live woman's inner biological mystery. In a way, Eros is with her through all the trials in her inner world as her incubating child.

She regains enough faith to tackle the second task which is gathering some fleece from the "golden rams of the sun." This time, she earns a bit of the Logos, the Word, or the power of the spiritual impulse, which is a trait of masculine consciousness. But she does it, thanks to wise counsel, by avoiding direct contact with it in its destructive form.

She can wield some masculine power, but need not gain it in an aggressive way. She is coming to Eros' nature better, even though he is not there. Psyche is coming to know and understand him from the inside out, by contacting her inner animus, acknowledging the potential of her inner masculinity, while remaining absolutely feminine to the core. Through this process, she is coming to know herself.

Psyche is mustering her inner strengths as well as courage and valor; but true to form, she collapses at the prospect of the third test. Aphrodite makes the trials progressively harder. This time she must fill a crystal goblet with water from the river Styx, the powerful current of psychic energy.

Psyche succeeds in capturing a bit of this river of life with the help of Ganymede, an eagle sacred to Zeus. This eagle represents high-flying spiritual intuition. She is, once again, saved from destruction by an act of grace. By dipping only a small amount from the river of libido, her fragile ego (the container) is not shattered.

By listening to her quiet, inner guiding voice, Pysche was able to complete her nearly impossible task, through methodical concentration. Psyche's ability to touch her unconscious depths have her access to the creative solution. She understood this through an intuitive vision.

The final test involves a terrible journey to the underworld. One needs proper guidance for such a journey. Modern examples of this task of making Psyche more conscious include the therapeutic process of individuation and spiritual disciplines like yoga and mysticism.

This process of understanding one's depths repeats the shaman's initiation in the underworld and leads to self-realization of inner potentials. We become progressively more enlightened by shedding our illusions about self and world. It requires all of the energy and resources we can muster. Once begun it must be followed through to the end.

Psyche fortunately acquires the treasure of the subconscious as the box of divine beauty which Aphrodite has demanded of her. The beauty of Persephone is the resplendence of the most profound depths of the feminine Self. Betty Meador calls it "the awesome and overpowering essence of death and resurrection, the passage of the female goddess through the dark regions of Hell into rebirth and transformation." This process was the subject of both the Isis and Eleusinian Mysteries.

On her return from the underworld (subconscious), for love of Eros, Psyche opens the box of beauty ointment. Seeking to make herself more desirable to Eros, (and inadvertently cheating Aphrodite), she does not have the courage to face Eros as herself. She wants to remain disguised in Eros' anima projections, which hark back to his mother-complex. Her fantasy is that then they could continue to share the paradisical state.

True, she does this for love of Eros, but this keeps him in his adolescent phase, devoid of the maturity a real relationship would bring. She regresses into an unconscious state of deep sleep. She becomes a "sleeping beauty".
In this apparent failure, she shows herself to be most human! How unbearably egotistical Psyche might have been if she had completed the tasks perfectly. Through her regression into humanness, Eros is redeemed from his boyish hangups and allowed to mature. He can show some true love, rather than instinctual reproductive passion.
Through his love, Eros redeems Psyche and awakens her to an understanding of the archetypal functioning of the animus as a bridge to the divine. She is transformed from her mortal condition to an awareness of her own immortality of soul.

Together they experience the birth of their child as joy, mutual ecstasy, and the pleasure of life and love. There is a blending of the human and divine qualities in love. The opposites merge in mutual love, and experience unification on a profound level which has both depth and conscious awareness. Eros is contained within Psyche.
The reproductive instinct transforms into a highly differentiated feeling function, and Psyche goes through rebirth which frees her "butterfly" nature. Feeling is a reflective function which requires time more than perception. When Psyche evokes true feelings from Eros, her task is complete. Daily life is connected with archetypal reality.


You may use a little self reminder, when caught in old emotional patterns in your relationships. Just "Ask your Anima!" or animus, discussing it with the contrasexual aspect of yourself. Even if the discussion is not fluid, the response of the inner figure will be quite revealing. Is there envy, competition, immaturity, narcissism, or an opening for safely revealing yourself to the "other"?

Notice how your beloved is similar to or different from your parent and idealized anima or animus image? What is realistic? Remember, no one ill ever love you truly unconditionally simply because they are human. Also, remember, the archetypal dynamic operates in, through, and behind all human relationship, conditioning it with its own divine agenda irrespective of our personal needs.

Some of the issues and areas of intimacy include sexuality, emotional intimacy, intellectual sharing, and other forms of communication. Aesthetics, creativity, recreation, crisis management, conflict management, commitment and spiritual sharing are fertile areas to dialogue about with these inner daimones. Also, try communing with their daughter, Voluptas, whose name originally meant "plunging into life."

Jean Houston concludes her contemplation of this mytheme with an image of fulfillment: "Thus Psyche's search for the Beloved of her soul has plunged her into discovering the psychic source of instinct, wisdom, discrimination, and culture. She now rises on strong but gossamer wings as the vision of transformation and the call to the soul."


1. Do you believe, or ever act like you believe that love means giving up yourself for another? Do you allow their needs to supercede your own?

2. Married or not, do you carry the fantasy that the "right" person will come along and heal your wounds if you simply wait long enough?

3. Do you "fall in love" with potential lovers quickly, or stay stuck in relationships where no growth takes place?

4. Can you relate to Psyche's tasks from any period of your life? Is this dynamic still in process? If the developmental process derailed in any of your relationships have you noticed a pattern or similarity with your early childhood situation?

5. How committed are you to your personal growth and how supportive of your partner's personal growth?

6. Do you have a means of negotiating conflicts and differences? What is it?

7. During the "in love" stage, we are essentially still "living at home" in a state of blissful fusion, trying to recreate and maintain the unconscious unity of parent and child. The yearning for this original condition may be the source of divine longing. What is your relationship to this developmental stage right now?

8. Plato called love the "child of fullness and emptiness." We can be filled with it, or feel it as loneliness, heartache, and anguish. In your dialogue, you may also include the child of the union, Voluptas. How do you experience the fullness and emptiness of love. Describe your emotional hunger.

9. What does "soulful love" mean to you personally?

10. The dark side of love includes disillusionment, betrayal, anger, and grief. What was your biggest disappointment? What unrealistic expectations did you hold?

11. Have you used the imagination process (psyche) in a therapeutic way to further the bonding and intimacy in your relationships? How? We need to be able to imagine being different to change. Just imagine what different behavior could begin producing different outcomes." - Iona Miller